API Change Log

Latest changes, improvements and bug fixes on the API

  • 2024/07

    • Added: /markets/stocks/country endpoints.

  • 2023/12

    • Added: /ipo endpoints.
    • Added: /splits endpoints.
    • Added: calendar=1 flag on /indicators endpoint.

  • 2023/11

    • Added: Unit column to markets/forecasts endpoints.

  • 2023/10

    • Added: /dividends endpoints.
    • Added: /credit-ratings endpoints.
    • Changed: /calendar/updates will now include any updates to events and also newly created events.

  • 2023/08

    • Added: /icalendar endpoints.

  • 2023/07

    • Added: ActualValue, PreviousValue, ForecastValue and TEForecastValue columns to /calendar endpoints when using values=true.

  • 2023/06

    • Added: /earnings-revenues/sector/ endpoints.
    • Added: /sectors list endpoint.
    • Added: ActualValue, ForecastValue, PreviousValue, RevenueValue, RevenueForecastValue and RevenuePreviousValue columns to /earnings-revenues endpoints.
    • Added: ForecastDate1, ForecastDate2, ForecastDate3, ForecastDate4 columns to /markets/forecasts endpoints.

  • 2023/05

    • Added: /earnings-revenues/index/ endpoint.
    • Added: relationship column to markets/peers and markets/components endpoints

  • 2023/03

    • Improved: /News and /Updates endpoints.

  • 2023/02

    • Fixed: /fred pagination endpoint bug.
    • Added: Unit column to /forecast for indicators endpoints.

  • 2023/01

    • Added: /calendar/group endpoints.
    • Fixed: /forecasts by country and indicator changing orders.
    • Added: StartDate column to /comtrade snapshot endpoints.

  • 2022/12

    • Added: /financials/historical endpoint now supports multiple symbols.
    • Added: d1 to d2 capability for /financials/historical endpoint.
    • Fixed: /eurostat/historical in csv format not showing column names.

  • 2022/11

    • Added: /earnings-revenues endpoints.
    • Added: FirstValueDate column to Indicators endpoints.
    • Added: Frequency column to Financials snapshot.
    • Added: /financials/categories and /financials/category/{category} endpoints.

  • 2022/10

    • Fixed: /markets/crypto not showing all cryptos.

  • 2022/09

    • Fixed: List of States on Fred showing null and duplicate record.

  • 2022/06

    • Added: StartDate column on markets/category endpoints.

  • 2022/05

    • Added: /markets/symbology endpoint for stocks.
    • Added: /calendar/updates endpoint.
    • Added: /historical/updates endpoint.

  • 2022/03

    • Added: /markets/crypto endpoint.
    • Added: /markets/forecasts/crypto endpoint.

  • 2021/11

    • Added: Title field on /descriptions endpoint.
    • Added: markets/stockdescriptions endpoint.
    • Added: unit column to markets/symbol endpoint.

  • 2021/10

    • Added: Importance field on /earnings endpoint.
    • Added: Filter updates by time on /updates endpoint.
    • Added: Peers endpoint for indicators.

  • 2021/09

    • Fixed: Calls to calendar/country/indicator with no dates chosen were only getting the next 7 days, now it will go back the top limit rows by calendar role and also adds the 7 days forward, fixing the blank page with no data presented.
    • Deprecated: Columns “OCountry” and “OCategory” were removed from regular calendar calls.
    • Changed: calendar to get the new limits on rows by role for calendar translation.
    • Added: New column “OEvent” when in translated calendar queries.
    • Added: Filter by dates on the /news endpoint.

  • 2021/07

    • Changed: markets/country role limitation, had a restraint of 250 rows per page.
    • Deprecated: pagination on markets/country.
    • Fixed: markets/historical and intraday row limitation was not according to the rows a role could get.
    • Changed: calendar to get the new limits on rows by role.
    • Added: Source URL column to indicators and calendar endpoints.

  • 2021/06

    • Added: filter by country and category on descriptions.
    • Added: Command Timeouts to Comtrade, Eurostat, Fred and WorldBank databases.

  • 2021/05

    • Fixed: financials/historical showing category number instead of ID.
    • Fixed: financials/historical role limitation had a bug for guest users.
    • Fixed: “OCountry” and “OCategory” for calendar translation, giving the original language and category instead of the translated ones.
    • Changed: improvements on speed for calendar translation queries.

  • 2021/04

    • Added: all indicators descriptions that are listed on the website.

  • 2021/01

    • Added: possibility to choose a date range on fred/historical endpoint.

  • 2020/12

    • Added: Eurostat database endpoints, to get statistical information for the European Union.

  • 2019/07

    • Added: Financials endpoint, to get fundamentals data for stocks.

  • 2018/02

    • Added: FRED database endpoints, to get Federal Reserve data.

  • 2017/12

    • Added: WorldBank database endpoints, to get development indicators data.
    • Added: Comtrade database endpoints, to get trade data.

  • 2015/07

    • Added: Streaming service for the Economic Calendar and Markets.

  • 2014/08

    • Added: Translation for multiple languages on the Calendar endpoint.

Packages latest versions
